Download the FSS

(In case of downloads or successful applications please inform the authors)

Version for Java:

[click here to download wFSS]

Acknowledments for any use of wFSS should mention: F. B. d. Lima Neto and M. G. P. d. Lacerda, “Weight based fish school search,” 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), San Diego, CA, 2014, pp. 270-277.

[click here to download FSS]

Acknowledments for any use of the FSS should mention: BASTOS FILHO, Carmelo J. A. ; LIMA NETO, Fernando B. de; NASCIMENTO, Antônio I. S.; LIMA, Marília P. “Fish School Search (FSS) – Version 1 (Vanilla Version)”. Produced by Computational Intelligence Research Group of University of Pernambuco, Recife-Brazil, 2008.

Version for Python:

[click here to download FSS]

Acknowledments for any use of the FSS should mention: BASTOS FILHO, Carmelo J. A. ; LIMA NETO, Fernando B. de; NASCIMENTO, Antônio I. S.; LIMA, Marília P. “Fish School Search (FSS) – Version 1 (Vanilla Version)”. Produced by Computational Intelligence Research Group of University of Pernambuco, Recife-Brazil, 2008.