
List of Versions Produced at CIRG @ POLI/UPE

FSS-SAR (Stagnation Avoidance Routine)     STATUS: Delivered and Published in 2016
This version uses a stagnation avoidance routine devised for the FSS with the goal of improve the convergence capability of the algorithm when solving very smooth or plateau containing search spaces.  [Available on-line here]

MOFSS (Multi-Objective FSS) STATUS: Delivered and Published in 2015
This version allows the optimization of problems with two or more conflicting objectives, Incorporating the dominance concept within the traditional FSS operators and adapting the barycenter concept deployed in the original FSS. [Available on-line here]

wFSS (Weight based FSS) STATUS: Delivered and Published in 2014
The chief modification to standard FSS, in order to produce the wFSS, was the introduction of a relationship among fish solely relying on factual already existing indications of individual success. The implementation resulted in a lighter algorithm (when compared to other FSS attempts to solve multimodal problems) and a method that produces more suitable solution candidates for optimization problems. [Available on-line here]

MTFSS (Multithreaded FSS) STATUS: Delivered and Published in 2014
In this approach, each fish has its behavior executed within an individual thread, of which creation, execution and death are managed by the runtime environment and the operating system. [Available on-line here]

BFSS (Binary FSS) STATUS: Delivered and Published in 2014
This version is intended to cope with premature convergence using binary encoding scheme for the internal mechanisms of the fish school search. [Available on-line here]

FSS-II STATUS: Delivered and Published in 2013
This version features three advantages over the original FSS: high exploitation capability, just one fitness evaluation per fish per iteration and easy implementation. [Available on-line here]

pFSS (Parallel FSS) STATUS: Delivered and Published in 2012
This version uses graphics hardware acceleration platforms. The computation time was significantly reduced and better optimization results were obtained more quickly with GPU parallel computing. [Available on-line here]

dFSS (Density Based FSS) STATUS: Delivered and Published in 2011
This version excels for multimodal hyper-dimensional functions. It includes modifications in the previous operators: Feeding and Swimming, as well as new: Memory and Partition operators. The latter two were introduced to acount for the partition of the main school into subgroups. Some changes were also included in the stop conditions that now also have to consider subswarms. [Available on-line here]

FSS (Vanilla Version) STATUS: Delivered and Published in 2008
This version excels for unimodal hyper-dimensional functions. It includes two operators: Feeding and Swimming (considering individual, collective-instinctive and collective-volitive movements). Stop conditions conceived for FSS are as follows: limit of cycles, time limit, minimum school radius, maximum school weight or optimization error). [Available on-line here]