About CIRG


The Computational Intelligence Research Group (CIRG) of the University of Pernambuco (UPE), created in 2004, is a group of Researchers and Students based at the School of Engineering of Pernambuco (POLI) and one of the backbones of the Post-Graduate Program of Computer Engineering (PPG-EC), entirely dedicated to the production of theoretical or applicable scientific contributions of innovative metaheuristics and methods related to Computational and Artificial Intelligence.

As our primary focus of research, developing and refining new Computational Intelligence Methodologies and Techniques, mostly encompass Neurocomputation, Swarm and Social Computing and Evolutionary Computation. Another important research target of CIRG is to delve into application of the produced theory aiming at real world complex problems. Several associated thematic research teams are integral parts of CIRG (check tab TEAMS).

As much as possible, all CIRG members will work hard to protect nature and improve the quality of life in our region (NE of Brazil) and in our planet, CIRG is currently investigating:

(1) Computational characteristics of Artificial Networks (i.e. Neural and Social) for plausible modeling of the brain function, micro and macro economics, and social networks;

(2) Development of new family of algorithms of Computational Intelligence, namely: FSS, WPA, Clan-PSO and hybridizations of those;

(3) Application of Intelligent Algorithms in: Decision Support, Agribusiness, health, Auto-Industry and Optical Communications Networks.

CIRG is part of the IANE and IARA Nets, respectively the AI net of NE-Brazil and the Brazilian Net of AI Laboratories. 

A página do CIRG no diretório de Grupos do CNPq está em  http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/4845586592997339