Book chapters
[2] OLIVEIRA, Flávio R. da S.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de. “Flexible Dialogues in Decision Support Systems”. In: DEVLIN, Ger (Ed.). Decision Support Systems Advances In. Vienna: In-Tech: 2010. {ISBN: 978-953-307-069-8}
[1] Carmelo Bastos-Filho, Marcos Oliveira Junior and Débora Nascimento. Running Particle Swarm Optimization on Graphic Processing Units. Livro: Search algorithms, INTECH, http://www.intechweb.org, p. 21-23.
Journal papers
[2] Chaves, Daniel A. R.; Aguiar, Douglas O.; Bastos-Filho, Carmelo J. A.; Martins-Filho, Joaquim F. Fast and adaptive impairment aware routing and wavelength assignment algorithm optimized by offline simulations. Optical Switching and Networking (Print), v. 7, p. 127-138, 2010.
[1] Pereira, Helder A. ; Carvalho, Renan V. B. ; Bastos-Filho, Carmelo J. A. ; Martins-Filho, Joaquim F. . Impact of amplifier noise figure modeling in simulations of impairment-aware all-optical networks. Photonic Network Communications, v. 19, p. 110-120, 2010.
Full papers in conference proceedings
[10] CHAVES, D. A. R.; BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A.; MARTINS-FILHO, J. F. Multiobjective Physical Topology Design of All-Optical Networks Considering QoS and Capex. In: Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC) and National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (NFOEC), 2010, San Diego. Paper JThA45, 2010. v. 1. p. 1-3.
[9] BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A.; SANTANA, R. A.; SILVA, D. R. C.; MARTINS-FILHO, J. F.; CHAVES, D. A. R. Hopfield Neural Networks for Routing in Optical Networks. In: 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 2010, Munique. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 2010. p. 1-6.
[8] CHAVES, D. A. R.; AYRES, C. F. C. L. C.; CARVALHO, R. V. B.; PEREIRA, H. A.; BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A.; MARTINS-FILHO, J. F. Multiobjective sparse regeneration placement algorithm in optical networks considering network performance and CAPEX. In: 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 2010, Munique. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 2010. p. 1-6.
[7] BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A.; OLIVEIRA JÚNIOR, M. A. C.; NASCIMENTO, D. N. O.; RAMOS, A. D. Impact of the Random Number Generator Quality on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Running on Graphic Processor Units. In: Tenth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2010, Atlanta. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2010. p. 85-90.
[6] SANTANA, R. A.; BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A.; SILVA, D. R. C.; CHAVES, D. A. R.; MARTINS-FILHO, J. F. . Roteamento em Redes ópticas Transparentes Utilizando Redes Neurais de Hopfield. In: MOMAG 2010 – 14 SBMO Simpósio Brasileiro de Microondas e Optoeletrônica e 9 CBMag Congresso Brasileiro de Eletromagnetismo, 2010, Vila Velha, Espírito Santo. Anais do MOMAG 2010, 2010. p. 360-365.
[5] BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A.; SANTOS, A. M.; PEREIRA, H. A.; CHAVES, D. A. R.; MARTINS-FILHO, J. F.; AGUIAR, D. O. Um Modelo de Estrutura para Software Simulador de Redes ópticas Utilizando XML. In: MOMAG 2010 – 14 SBMO Simpósio Brasileiro de Microondas e Optoeletrônica e 9 CBMag Congresso Brasileiro de Eletromagnetismo, 2010, Vila Velha, Espírito Santo. Anais do MOMAG 2010, 2010. v. 1. p. 367-372.
[4] NASCIMENTO, A. I. S.; BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A. A Particle Swarm Optimization Based Approach for the Maximum Coverage Problem in Cellular Base Stations Positioning. In: Tenth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2010, Atlanta. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2010. v. 1. p. 91-96.
[3] CHAVES, Daniel A. R.; MARTINS-FILHO, Joaquim F.; PEREIRA, Helder A.; BASTOS-FILHO, Carmelo J. A. SIMTON: A Simulator for Transparent Optical Networks. In: International Telecommunication Symposium 2010, 2010, Manaus. Proceedings of ITS 2010, 2010. v. 1. p. 1-7.
[2] Fernando Buarque de Lima Neto; Carmelo José Albanez Bastos Filho; Maria Luzitana Conceição dos Santos; Tercina Maria Lustosa Barros Bezerra; Michele M. da C. Santana Barboza. APRESENTAÇÃO E AVALIAÇÃO DO EXPERIMENTO PEDAGÓGICO DE COLABORAÇÃO ENTRE NÍVEIS GRADUAÇÃO E MESTRADO EM CONTEÚDOS AFINS DE INTELIGÊNCIA COMPUTACIONAL. XXXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia. COBENGE 2010, Fortaleza, 12/09/2010 a 15/09/2010. v.1. p. 1-14.
[1] André Caetano Alves Firmo; Carmelo J. A. Bastos Filho; Jones Albuquerque; Silvana Bocanegra; Reinaldo Souza Santos; Constanca S. Barbosa. AN AUTOMATIC PROPOSAL FOR DIAGNOSIS OF SCHISTOSOMIASIS. 12th International Symposium on Schistosomiasis . Rio de Janeiro, 05/10/2010 a 08/10/2010.
Book chapters
[3] OLIVEIRA, Flávio R. da S.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de. “Flexible Dialogues in Decision Support Systems”. In: LAZINICA, Aleksandar (Ed.). Decision Support Systems. Vienna: In-Tech: 2009.
[2] BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A., CARVALHO, D. F., MIRANDA, P. B. C., CARACIOLO, M. P., FIGUEIREDO, E. M. N. “Multi-ring Particle Swarm Optimization”. In: Evolutionary Computation.1 ed.Vukovar, Croácia : IN-Tech Education and Publishing KG, 2009, p. 523-540.
[1] BASTOS-FILHO, Carmelo J. A.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de; LINS, Anthony J. C. C.; NASCIMENTO, Antônio I. S.; LIMA, Marília P. “Fish School Search: an overview”. In: CHIONG, Raymond (Ed.). Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Optimisation. Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 193.. pp. 261-277. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2009.
Journal papers
[4] CARVALHO, D. F., BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A. “Clan Particle Swarm Optimization”. In: International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics. , v.2, p.197 – 227, 2009.
[3] SCHULER, W. H., BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A., OLIVEIRA, A. L. I. “A novel hybrid training method for Hopfield neural networks applied to routing in communications networks”. In: International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems. , v.6, p.27 – 39, 2009.
[2] SANTOS, Wellington P. dos; ASSIS, Francisco M. de; SOUZA, Ricardo E. de; SANTOS FILHO, Plínio B.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de. “Dialectical multispectral classification of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images as an alternative to apparent diffusion coefficients maps to perform anatomical analysis”. In: Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, v. 33, n. 6, pp. 442-460, 2009.
[1] REGO, Renata L. M. E.; ARAÚJO, Aluízio F. R.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.; “Growing Self-reconstruction Maps”. In: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, v. 21, issue 2, pp. 211-223, 2009.
Full papers in conference proceedings
[20] BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A., CHAVES, D. A. R., SILVA, F. S. F., CARVALHO, R. V. B., PEREIRA, H. A., MARTINS-FILHO, J. F. “Wavelength Assignment Optimization for All-Optical Networks Using Evolutionary Computation”. In: XXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, 2009, Recife/PE.
[19] CHAVES, D. A. R., BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A., MARTINS-FILHO, J. F. “Up-grading the Physical Topology of Transparent Optical Networks Using a Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Considering Quality of Service and Capital Cost”. In: SBMO/IEEE MTT-S INTERNATIONAL MICROWAVE AND OPTOELECTRONICS CONFERENCE – IMOC 2009, 2009, Bélem/PA.
[18] MADEIRO, S. S., SOUZA, J. E., BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A., OLIVEIRA, A. L. I. “Uma abordagem Multi-objetiva Híbrida para Seleção e Atribuição de Pesos a Características para Classificadores k-NN”. In: XXIX Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação – Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial, 2009, Bento Gonçalves/RS.
[17] CHAVES, D. A. R., AYRES, C. F. C. L. C., CARVALHO, R. V. B., PEREIRA, H. A., BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A., MARTINS-FILHO, J. F. “Sparse Regeneration Placement for Translucent Optical Networks Using Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms Considering Quality of Service and Capital Cost”. In: SBMO/IEEE MTT-S INTERNATIONAL MICROWAVE AND OPTOELECTRONICS CONFERENCE – IMOC 2009, 2009, Bélem/PA.
[16] BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A., LIMA NETO, F. B., SOUSA, M. F. C., PONTES, M. R., MADEIRO, S. S. “On the Influence of the Swimming Operators in the Fish School Search Algorithm”. In: 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2009, San Antonio, Texas.
[15] CHAVES, D. A. R., BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A., MARTINS-FILHO, J. F. “Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Physical Topology Design and Device Specifiations of All-Optical Networks”. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações, 2009, Blumenau, SC.
[14] BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A., SILVA, R. M. F., CARVALHO, D. F., CAVALCANTI JÚNIOR, G. M., CHAVES, D. A. R., MARTINS-FILHO, J. F. “Intelligent Impairment Aware Routing Algorithm for All-Optical Networks based on Ant Colony Optimization Trained by Particle Swarm Optimization” In: XXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações, 2009, Blumenau, SC.
[13] BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A., CHAVES, D. A. R., SILVA, F. S. F., CARVALHO, R. V. B., PEREIRA, H. A., MARTINS-FILHO, J. F. “Impairment Aware Wavelength Assignment for All-Optical Networks based on Evolutionary Computation”. In: 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 2009, Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portuga.
[12] BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A., ANDRADE, J. D., PITA, M. R. S. “Impact of the Quality of Random Numbers Generators on the Performance of Particle Swarm Optimization”. In: 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2009, San Antonio, Texas.
[11] BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A., CARVALHO, D. F., FIGUEIREDO, E. M. N., MIRANDA, P. B. C. “Dynamic Clan Particle Swarm Optimization”. In: 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2009, Pisa, Itália.
[10] MADEIRO, S. S., BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A., LIMA NETO, F. B., FIGUEIREDO, E. M. N. “Adaptative Clustering Particle Swarm Optimization”. In: 23rd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2009, Roma, Itália.
[9] SANTANA, R. A., BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A., PONTES, M. R. “A Multiple Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Approach using Crowding Distance and Roulette Wheel”. In: 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2009, Pisa, Itália.
[8] DANZIGER, Moises; LACERDA, Marcelo; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de. “Danger Theory and Multi-agents Applied for Addressing the Deny of Service Detection Problem in IEEE 802.11 Networks”. In: Nineth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications – ISDA, Novembro, 2009, Pisa, Italy.
[7] LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.; PITA, Marcelo R. S.; BARBOSA FILHO, Hugo Serrano. “Hybrid and Evolutionary Agent-Based Social Simulations Using the PAX Framework”. In: Nineth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications – ISDA, Novembro, 2009, Pisa, Italy.
[6] PESSOA, Luis F. A.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de; LEONEL, Amanda; MENESES, Luis C. S. “Implementação de um Mecanismo Automático de Controle de Vizinhanças entre Agentes de Uma População Inspirada em Alcatéia”. In: IX Congresso Brasileiro de Redes Neurais / Inteligência Computacional – IX CBRN, Outubro, 2009, Ouro Preto, Brazil.
[5] SÉRGIO, Anderson Tenório; BRAGA, Diego de Siqueira; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.. “Computational Modeling of Alzheimer’s Disease Symptoms Using Venn’s Network”. In: IX Congresso Brasileiro de Redes Neurais / Inteligência Computacional – IX CBRN, Outubro, 2009, Ouro Preto, Brazil.
[4] LEONEL, Amanda; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de; OLIVEIRA, Sérgio Campello; BARBOSA FILHO, Hugo Serrano. “Uma interface humano-máquina inteligente baseada no rastreamento ocular para comunicação escrita de pacientes com síndrome locked-in”. In: IX Congresso Brasileiro de Redes Neurais / Inteligência Computacional – IX CBRN, Outubro, 2009, Ouro Preto, Brazil.
[3] LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.; dos SANTOS, Maria Luzitana Conceição; BEZERRA, Tercina Maria Lustosa Barros. “Uma Nova Proposta de Avaliação para a Primeira Disciplina de Engenharia de Computação Visando Sustentabilidade Pedagógica e Inserção Social”. In: 37. Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia – COBENGE2009, Setembro, 2009, Recife, Brazil.
[2] MADEIRO, Salomão S.; BASTOS-FILHO, Carmelo J. A; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de; FIGUEIREDO, Elliackin Messias do Nascimento. “Adaptative Clustering Particle Swarm Optimization”. In: 12th International Workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing – NIDISC’09 co-located at 23th IEEE/ACM International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium – IPDPS 2009, pp. 1-8, Maio, 2009, Rome, Italy.
[1] PITA, Marcelo R. S.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de. “Impact of Structuring Elements on Agents’ Behavior in Social Simulations”. In: 2009 IEEE Symposium on Intelligent Agents (IA2009), co-located at 2009 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, pp. 106-113, Abril, 2009, Nashville, United States of America.
Book chapters
[2] A Novel Search Algorithm based on Fish School Behavior.
BASTOS-FILHO, Carmelo J. A.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de; LINS, Anthony J. C. C.; NASCIMENTO, Antônio I. S.; LIMA, Marília P.
In: Swarm Intelligence – Techniques and Applications.
[1] Thresholding Images of Historical Documents based on Color Quantization by Genetic Algorithms.
BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A. ; MELLO, Carlos Alexandre de Barros ; ANDRADE, Júlio Dantas de ; LIMA, Marília Portela de ; SANTOS, W. P. ; OLIVEIRA, Adriano Lorena Inácio de ; FALCÃO, Davi Marinho de Araújo.
In: Aleksandar Lazinica. (Org.) Tools in Artificial Intelligence. Vienna – Austria, EU: I-Tech Education and Publishing KG, 2008, v. , p. -.
Journal papers
[1] Routing algorithm based on Swarm Intelligence and Hopfield Neural Network applied to communication networks.
BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A. ; Schuler, W.H. ; Oliveira, A.L.I. ; Vitorino, L.N.
In: IEEE Electronics Letters, v. 44, p. 995, 2008.
Full papers in conference proceedings
[16] Simulations of Disease Dissemination Using the Vidya Multi-Agent Systems Platform.
PITA, Marcelo R. S.;LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.
In: 1st Brazilian Workshop on Social Simulation (BWSS’08), co-located at Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (SBIA’08), Salvador, Brazil.
[15] An Evolutionary Approach to Provide Flexible Decision Dialogues in Intelligent Decision Support Systems.
OLIVEIRA, Flávio R. da S.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.
In: 8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS’08), Barcelona, Spain.
[14] How Preferences Affect Productivity in the Sugarcane Harvest Problem a Comparative Study of a Two-Steps MOEA.
PACHECO, Diogo F.; LUCAS, Tarcísio D. Pontes; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.
In: 8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS’08), Barcelona, Spain.
[13] Enhancing Appropriateness of Executive Decisions Using AIS.
CALDAS, Bernardo João de Barros; PITA, Marcelo R. S.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.
In: 8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS’08), Barcelona, Spain.
[12] Intelligent Optimization for an Integrated Inventory Model with Multi-Product and Multi-Storehouse.
MADEIRO, Salomão S. M.;LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de
In: IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics – ICAL 2008, China.
[11] A Novel Search Algorithm based on Fish School Behavior.
BASTOS-FILHO, Carmelo J. A.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de; LINS, Anthony J. C. C.; NASCIMENTO, Antônio I. S.; LIMA, Marília P.
In: SMC – 2008 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Singapore.
[10] A Fair Comparison of Representations, Operators and Algorithms for the Sugarcane Harvest Problem.
In: SMC – 2008 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Singapore.
[9] Improving Support of Appropriate Executive Decisions by Combining Artificial Immune Systems and Fuzzy Logic.
In: SBRN 2008: 10th Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Salvador, BA – Brazil.
[8] Multi-Ring Particle Swarm Optimization.
In: SBRN 2008: 10th Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Salvador, BA – Brazil.
[7] Adjusting Weights and Architecture of Neural Networks through PSO with Time-Varying Parameters and Early Stopping.
In: SBRN 2008: 10th Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Salvador, BA – Brazil.
[6] Um novo modelo para a dinâmica de infecção pelo HIV.
In: XVIII IEA World Congress of Epidemiology & VII Brazilian Congress of Epidemiology, Porto Alegre, RS – Brazil.
[5] Um modelo para o estudo de disseminação de doenças.
RAMOS, A. D.; MAIA, L. E. C.
In: XVIII IEA World Congress of Epidemiology & VII Brazilian Congress of Epidemiology, Porto Alegre, RS – Brazil.
[4] A Dialectical Approach for Classification of DW-MR Alzheimer’s Images.
SANTOS, Wellington P. dos; SOUZA, Ricardo E. de; SANTOS FILHO, Plínio B.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.; ASSIS, Francisco M.de.
In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation – CEC
(World Congress on Computational Intelligence-WCCI2008),
Hong Kong – China.
[3] A Fast and Reliable Routing Algorithm Based on Hopfield Neural Networks Optimized by Particle Swarm Optimization.
BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A. ; SCHULER, Wesnaida Holanda ; OLIVEIRA, Adriano Lorena Inácio de.
In: 2008 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2008) as part of 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2008) , Hong Kong – China.
[2] Clan Particle Swarm Optimization.
In: 2008 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2008) within 2008 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2008) , Hong Kong – China.
[1] Including Multi-objective Abilities in the Hybrid Intelligent Suite for Decision Support.
PACHECO, Diogo F.; OLIVEIRA, Flávio R. da S.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.
In: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks – IJCNN
(World Congress on Computational Intelligence – WCCI 2008),
Hong Kong – China.
Journal papers
Simulation of Contra-Lateral Inhibition Using Venn-Network.
LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de; WILDE, Philippe De.
In: Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Special Issue SBRN, v. 18, n.5, p. 485-491, 2007. ISSN 1064-1246 * QUALIS: Periódico Internacional “B” em COMPUTAÇÃO.
Full papers in conference proceedings
(13) A Hybrid Hopfield Network-Simulated Annealing approach to Optimize Routing Processes in Telecommunications Networks.
SCHULER, Wesnaida Holanda ; BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A. ; ALCANTARA, Robson Santana ; OLIVEIRA, Adriano Lorena Inácio de.
In: International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2007) , 2007, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2007.
(12) A Novel Approach for a Routing Algorithm Based on a Discrete Time Hopfield Neural Network.
BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A. ; ALCANTARA, Robson Santana ; OLIVEIRA, Adriano Lorena Inácio de.
In: The First IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computational Intelligence (FOCI’07) , 2007, Honolulu. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2007).
(11) A Novel Approach for Wavelenght Assignment In Optical Links Based On Modified Genetic Algorithms.
LINS, Anthony J. C. C.; CALDAS, Bernardo; BASTOS-FILHO, Carmelo J. A.; CARVALHO, Danilo F.; PACHECO, Diogo; F.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.
In: I Simpósio Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional (SBIC) , Outubro, 2007, Florianópolis – Brasil.
(10) A Novel Hybrid Training Method for Hopfield Neural Networks Applied to Routing in Communications Networks.
SCHULER, Wesnaida Holanda ; BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A. ; OLIVEIRA, Adriano Lorena Inácio de .
In: 7th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems , 2007, Kaiserslautern. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2007.
(9) An Intelligent Mechanism to Explore a Two-Level Cache Hierarchy Considering Energy Consumption and Time Performance.
SILVA FILHO, Abel Guilhermino da ; BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A. ; LIMA, Ricardo Massa Ferreira ; FALCÃO, Davi Marinho de Araújo ; CORDEIRO, F. R. ; LIMA, Marília Portela de.
In: SBAC-PAD 2007: 19th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing , 2007, Gramado – Brazil. Proceedings of SBAC-PAD 2007: 19th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, 2007.
(8) Growing Self Organizing Maps for Surface Reconstruction from Unstructured Point Clouds.
REGO, Renata L. M. E.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.; ARAÚJO, Aluízio F. R.
In: 2007 – International Joint Conference on Neural Networks , Agosto, 2007, Orlando – USA.
(7) HIDS: Hybrid Intelligent Suite for Decision Support.
LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de; OLIVEIRA, Flávio R. da S.; PACHECO, Diogo F.
In: Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA) , Outubro, 2007, Rio de Janeiro – Brasil.
(6) How to Obtain Appropriate Executive Decisions Using Artificial Immunologic Systems.
CALDAS, Bernardo João de Barros; PITA, Marcelo R. S.;LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.
In: 6th International Conference on Artificial Imune Systems (ICARIS) , Agosto, 2007, Santos – Brasil.
(5) How to Obtain Fair Managerial Decisions in Sugar Cane Harvest Using NSGA-II.
PACHECO, Diogo F.; PONTES, Tarcísio Daniel; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.
In: 7th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS’07) , Setembro, 2007, Kaiserslautern – Germany.
(4) Hybrid Intelligent Suite For Decision Support in Sugarcane.
OLIVEIRA, Flávio R. da S.; PACHECO, Diogo F.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.
In: 6.Congresso Brasileiro de Agro-Informática (SBIAgro) , Outubro, 2007, São Pedro (SP) – Brasil.
(3) Simulations of Egoistic and Altruistic Behaviors Using the Vidya Multiagent System Platform.
PITA, Marcelo R. S.;LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.
In: Evolutionary Computation and Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation Workshop (ECoMASS-2007) & Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2007) , Julho, 2007, London – England.
(2) Thresholding Images of Historical Documents with Back-to-Front Interference based on Color Quantization by Genetic Algorithms.
BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A. ; MELLO, Carlos Alexandre de Barros ; ANDRADE, Júlio Dantas de ; FALCÃO, Davi Marinho de Araújo ; LIMA, Marília Portela de ; SANTOS, W. P. ; OLIVEIRA, Adriano Lorena Inácio de
In: 19th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI) , 2007, Patras – Greece. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), 2007.
(1) Vidya: A God Game Based on Intelligent Agents Whose Actions are Devised Through Evolutionary Computation.
PITA, Marcelo R. S.; MADEIRO, Salomão S. M.;LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.
In: IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games, 2007, Hawaii – USA.
Poster presentations
(2) Is it Utopia or Contradiction to Grow Brain Models towards Models of Mind?
dos SANTOS, Wellington Pinheiro; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.
In: II Simpósio Internacional de Neurociências do IINN, Natal – Brasil. 2007.
(1) Why including more Processing-Layers in Venn-Networks?
LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.
In: II Simpósio Internacional de Neurociências do IINN , Natal – Brasil. 2007.
Full papers in conference proceedings
(7) Evolutionary Algorithm for 3D Object Reconstruction from Images.
REGO, Renata L. M. E.; BASSANI, Hansenclever F.; ARAÚJO, Aluízio F. R.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.
(6) Ferramenta para suporte à decisão de frentes de corte de cana-de-açúcar usando algoritmos genéticos.
ALENCAR, Carlos Eduardo R.; CORRÊA, Renato F.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.
(5) Genetic Algorithm Based on optimization of wavelength assignment in an optical link considering four wave mixing.
PEREIRA, Helder A ; CHAVES, Daniel A. R. ; BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A. ; MARTINS FILHO, Joaquim Ferreira.
In: ITS 2006 – International Telecommunications Symposium, 2006, Fortaleza/CE. ITS 2006 – International Telecommunications Symposium, 2006. p. 501-506.
(4) Genetic Algorithm for Amplifiers Gain Optimization in All-Optical Networks.
BASTOS FILHO, C. J. A. ; CHAVES, Daniel A. R. ; PEREIRA, Helder A ; MARTINS FILHO, Joaquim Ferreira.
In: ITS 2006 – International Telecommunications Symposium, 2006, Fortaleza/CE. ITS 2006 – International Telecommunications Symposium: Book of abstracts, 2006. p. 517-522.
(3) Intelligent Modeling of Sugar-Cane Maturation.
MADEIRO, Salomão S. M.; OLIVEIRA, Flávio R. da S.; ALEXANDRE, Frederico B. A.; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.
(2) Intelligent Support Decision in Sugar Cane Harvest.
OLIVEIRA, Flávio R. da S.; PACHECO, Diogo F.; LEONEL, Amanda; LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de.
(1) Venn-Like Models of Neocortex Patches.
LIMA NETO, Fernando Buarque de; WILDE, Philippe De.