EASTER-EGG: Systematic Literature Review – Notes (UPE/POLI Recife/Brazil)
[Portuguese] - 2019, 2020, 2021
Previous Students of the RSL Course, by Prof. Fernando Buarque, put together a list of hints for their fellow students of the future.
This material is accessible only to UPEPOLI/PPG-EC Std
KIT: Systematic Literature Review – GUIDELINES
(UPE/POLI Recife/Brazil)
[Portuguese] - August 2019
Prof. Fernando Buarque’s ‘KIT on RSL’ is a collection of seminal papers regarding best practice on scientific writing, examples of RSL papers and templates.
This material is accessible only to PPG-EC Std
AUDIO: "Hints for Research Students - mainly PhDs"
[Portuguese] - August 2019

Scientific Text Production
TEXT: White-Papers on Innovative Pedagogical and Technological ways to approach Students and Government
(@ATI, Recife-PE/BRAZIL)
[Portuguese] - December 2018
TEMPLATES: "Self-control Research Documents for FBLN - PhD Students / MSc Students will profit too"
(WWU Münster/Germany)
[Portuguese] - August 2017

The templates-guidelines are accessible only to PPG-EC Std
EASTER-EGG: "Mementos on various topics discussed on Prof. Buarque Classes"
(UPE/POLI Recife/Brazil)
[Portuguese] - Started in 2016

Prof. Fernando Buarque’s ‘Easter-Eggs’ (EEs) are outcome of academic experiments documenting conclusions drawn in classroom debates. In such discussions students are guided to summarize core ideas and aspects deemed important. The main objectives of them is not terminating discussions, but by providing such records trigger more debate and conversations. Because these mementos are primarily for future reading, they were named ‘Easter-Eggs’.
MAP: "Tools for a Stress-Free PhD"
[Portuguese] - Thread started in October 2015
TEMPLATES: Poster and PPT Slides of CIRG
(UPE/POLI Recife/Brazil)
[English] - 2015

This material is accessible only to PPG-EC Std